Can. Champion Sun Devil Heat Wave At Mystcurl
Candy – Can Ch. Sun Devil Heat Wave At Mystcurl, was born in the USA but grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada. She came to Tyneside Curly Coated Retrievers from Gerry Young at Mystcurl when she was four years old. Candy came on a lease agreement but we all fell in love with one another and she just stayed.
Can Ch. Sun Devil Heat Wave At Mystcurl had three litters. Her first litter was with Gerry in Canada and that litter produced a National Specialty Sweepstakes winner and a Best of Opposite Sweepstakes winner.
Her first litter at Tyneside Curly Coated Retrievers was the Love and Romance litter sired by CH Stormacre Take A Bow, CGC born on July 27th 2018. From this litter we have CH Tyneside’s Midnight Romance, Tynesides Come to My Window, Tyneside’s Irresistably Yours and Tyneside’s Sunset Cassanova.
Candy’s second litter at Tyneside Curlies was to GCHS Sun Devil King of the Crossroads. Unfortunately we did not get a female from this litter of 6 curly coated boys and chose not to retain one for ourselves, although we do maintain breeding access.
We lost our dear sweet Candy to cancer on New Years Eve, 2020 at just 7 and a half year old. She will forever be deeply loved, missed and admired.