Champion Sun Devil Waiting For The Next Surprise was bred by Jennifer and Grace Kofron of Sun Devil Curlies. “Supra” is co-owned by Jennifer and Victor and is a cornerstone in the foundation of Tyneside Curlies.
Supra finished her championship with 3 majors including 2, 5 point majors at 14 months of age in only a handful of shows. Two months later she took a group placement at the Miami Kennel Club Show in South Florida.
Supra and her litter sister won Best Brace two years in a row at the 2016 and 2017 CCRCA national Specialty. In 2017 Supra went Select Bitch at the supported entry following the National Specialty beating 17 of the countries top champions. She was the #7 Owner Handled curly and the #8 curly all breed in 2017 with very little showing. She is currently just a few single points shy of her Grand Champion Title.
In the fall of 2018 Supra was bred to English Import, CH Stormacre Take A Bow, CGC. This produced notables GCH CH Tyneside’s Queen of Hearts, Tyneside’s Put A Little Love In Your Heart, Tyneside’s Hearts Afire, and HRC CH Sun Devil Tyneside Falling Hearts and Front Porches, JH.
In the fall of 2021 Supra produced a litter of 12 by Ch Tyneside’s Romance. We are excited to see how our next generation of Tyneside Curlies evolve and develop.